Treat patients, better yields, better earnings.

Your First 5 Claims Free

Billing and Claims

Insurance benefit verifications
Coding and Claims submissions and follow ups
Patient responsibility bills

Billing and Claims
Billing and Claims

Consulting and Implementation

Review of Contracted Fee schedules
Advisement and optimization of Usual, Customary and Reasonable(UCR) Fees
Integration of Medicare


Greater Patient care
Greater profitability
More efficient use of your time



Getting old claims PAID!

The minute you complete your audiology service to a patient, there’s a countdown timer that starts. Did you know that? You get 259,200 seconds to get the …

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Insurance claims- getting it right starts with the proper verification of benefits

You’re doing it all wrong. Really, it’s not your fault- no one told you how to do it. The insurance company is not giving seminars or training …

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How profitable can an audiology practice be?

We all have different sizes of audiology practices. Multi-location, multi-provider, all the way down to the part time, lifestyle practice that is only open a couple of …

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